What Does Peace Palliative Care Society Do?

Peace Palliative Care Provides:

Compassionate Support – 

To improve the quality of a patient’s life by providing compassionate support to the patient and their families while being responsive and respectful to the patient’s wishes.

Respite – 

To family by sitting with their loved ones in the Palliative Care room or in their home.

In consultation with Health Care Professionals, assists – 

With medical expenses for patient’s not eligible for other financial assistance and/or have limited resources.

Consumable Supplies and Equipment – 

For the Palliative Care Room in the Peace River Hospital Complex.

Educational Opportunities – 

To educate volunteers, professionals, health care providers and the community at large regarding palliative care.

Advocates – 

Acts as an advocate to ensure all levels of government are aware of palliative care issues and concerns.